Tag Archive for: Kerrville Triathlon Festival

Think you can skip training for the swim for your next tri? Not so fast!

You’re an ok swimmer so you don’t feel like you should allot a bunch of time training for the swim. Fast forward to the morning of your tri, add in race day elements – open water, other athletes, and no lanes to keep you in check – it’s no wonder why even seasoned triathletes may face panic during the swim. Know the importance of swim training with 5 reasons why you shouldn’t ignore swim training for your upcoming triathlon.5 Reasons You Shouldn't Ignore Your Swim Training

1. Helps Prevent Injury

Getting your body accustomed to handle the first leg of the tri is crucial. Swimming is a low-intensity, low-impact workout that will improve your overall flexibility, heart and lung capacity. Developing this during your training will prevent any unexpected incidents on race day. Train for the distance you are going to swim in your upcoming tri. Start slow and work your way up to this distance during your workouts. You can always slow down and take it easy on the bike and run legs, but during the intensity and commotion of the swim, your options are limited. For safety reasons, you cannot complete the race if you are unable to complete the swim portion. Therefore, you should practice floating on your back and practice a safety stroke as a backup plan if you start to feel tired or get frantic during the swim.

2. Avoid Swimming Further Than You Have To

5 Reasons You Shouldnt Ignore Your Swim Training

For those who have done most of your training in a pool, you are used to having a guide to keep you swimming in a straight line. If you don’t practice sighting during your training, you’ll most likely end up zig-zagging between the buoys, thus adding to the distance you have to swim on race morning. Don’t count on following the person in front of you. Sight regularly throughout the swim course to make sure you stay on the correct side of the buoys. Practicing sighting is key to avoid swimming off course during your tri.

3. Good Cardiovascular Activity

Swimming is a great aerobic exercise that will improve your cardiovascular fitness and overall health. It’s easy on your joints and is a perfect low-impact cardio exercise that can help reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. Choose a training plan that focuses on improving your swim technique to reserve your energy for the remaining legs of the race.  Also, establishing a good technique before the race will make you more efficient in the water on race day.

4. Strengthen Your Legs

Leg strength can make or break a race, so don’t make the mistake of neglecting leg work in the pool. If you haven’t spent much time in the water during your training, your legs may feel weak after completing the swim portion. To avoid feeling weak throughout the bike and run portion, use various swimming workouts to strengthen your legs during your training. The resistance from the water will strengthen your legs more than running or cycling alone. Incorporate kick sets into your swim training plan to ensure you have trained for your distance properly.  Pro tip: As you near the exit swim, start kicking your legs a little stronger to get the blood circulating into your legs again to prepare for the run into transition.

5. Calm Pre-Race Nerves

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Ignore Your Swim Training

Despite all your training, things can go awry when you factor in hundreds of other athletes into the mix. Nerves on race morning can get pretty overwhelming. Especially if this is your first triathlon. Even with a time trial start, swimming with so many people of all different skill levels can unnerve a highly skilled swimmer. You need to build your confidence in the water before the race. Most training takes place in a pool, but try joining a local tri club or a Masters Swimming Program to get the experience of swimming in open water with other athletes. Pro tip: Get out and do a mock swim so there are no surprises for your open-water swim.

It is common for athletes to dread the first discipline of a tri. Preparing for this during your training will eliminate any uncertainties you have before you dive into the swim start.  Whether you’re a novice swimmer or trying to go from a good swimmer to a great swimmer, training is key to a good performance on race day. So don’t hurt yourself by ignoring swim training for your upcoming tri! Grab your gear and head to the water.

You did it! You successfully crossed the Kerrville Tri finish line and made all your hard work pay off! Check out these 5 sure-fire ways to help you stay motivated after completing your tri

1. Train with friends

train for your triathlon with friends

You’ve come this far, keep making progress in your fitness journey by continuing your training routine! What better way to make tri training fun than getting a group together to train with you? This is a great way to keep you motivated while also holding you accountable to keep up with your training. Training with friends is also an excellent way to hear about other training plans and techniques. If you do get a group together, consider getting a coach to help guide you even more!

2. Look back at your old race photos

Take a second to look back at some of your old race photos. You’ll see how good you looked and remember how incredible it felt in the moment of completing your tri. Better yet, look at your finisher medals to give yourself a little reminder of the rush you got when you took those finals steps over the finish line.

3. Sign up for another Tri

Just because off-season is around the corner doesn’t mean you should stop your training. Registering for another tri, or a short distance run such as the Austin Marathon 5K will motivate you to keep up the hard work and give you something to look forward to!

4. Set small goals with rewards along the way

Set weekly goals such as getting up and completing a run every morning then treat yourself at the end of the week. Spoil yourself and grab some new tri gear that you can rock during your next triathlon (another reason to keep yourself motivated) or get out and go for a bite at your favorite spot! These small goals you set for yourself along the way will ultimately lead to you improving your performance for your next tri!

5. Celebrate your achievements!

After all, you spent months training for Kerrville Tri and you accomplished your goal by crossing the finish line, take a moment to give yourself a high five and be proud of yourself!crossing the Kerrville Tri finish line

A record number of triathletes, more than 1800, registered for The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas

A record number of triathletes registered for the 2019 Kerrville Triathlon, including this female sprint finisher posting in front of the Kerrville Tri sign.

Congrats to all the 2019 Kerrville Tri finishers!

More than 4000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to Kerrville, Texas, for the 9th annual Kerrville Triathlon Festival. A record number of triathletes, more than 1800, (most in event history) registered for the Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas. Participants gave their all on a course highlighted by swimming in Nimitz Lake, cycling through the Texas Hill Country, and running along the Guadalupe River. Participants were treated to fajitas, cold beer, snacks, and an opportunity to recover in the refreshing waters of the Guadalupe River after crossing the finish line. Kerrville Tri also launched best pricing for 2020, which ends on Tuesday, Oct. 8th.

“This is my favorite race and the course is beautiful,” said Meredith Townley, who completed the quarter distance (3:22:07) on Sunday. “I love the hometown feel that Kerrville and the Hill Country provide and how everyone – vendors, sponsors, spectators, etc. – truly supports everyone else!” 

The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas

A record number of triathletes registered for the 2019 Kerrville Triathlon, including these triathletes floating the Guadalupe River in their Kerrville Tri floats!

Participants float the Guadalupe River after crossing the 2019 Kerrville Tri finish line!

The family-friendly Kerrville Triathlon Festival took place from Friday, September 27th, to Sunday, September 29th. It featured two days of triathlon action and a bustling two-day expo. Six different events were featured, sprint, quarter, half, aquabike, relays, and a kids fun run. The Debra Zapata Sprint distance, sprint relay, and kids fun run took place on Saturday. All other events, including the quarter and the half, took place on Sunday. Before the action began, participants, volunteers, and friends and family went to the annual Friday night Kerrville Tri Mixer. Inn of the Hills, the host hotel, hosted the Mixer and the expo and packet pick up. Grammy award-winning artist and Debra Zapata sprint participant Shawn Colvin sang Saturday’s national anthem.

“I love registering for and completing an affordable half distance triathlon in the Texas Hill Country,” said Michelle Bonathan, Kerrville Triathlon half distance open division female champion (5:22:50). “The support and energy from the spectators and volunteers were top-notch!”

Peter Murray (1:02:01), of Austin, Texas, won Saturday’s sprint event. Marla Briley (1:14:23), of Austin, Texas, won the female division. Sunday’s winners and their times follow: quarter – female winner, Jami O’Toole (2:34:38), male winner, Mark Saroni (2:03:20); half – female winner, Michelle Bonathan, male winner, Jack Cartwright (4:53:58). Results for Saturday and Sunday are available. 

Perks for record number of triathletes

A record number of triathletes registered for the 2019 Kerrville Triathlon, including these future triathletes at the free kids fun run.

The kids take off at the free kids fun run!

New for 2019, participants received a Kerrville Triathlon-branded float and recovered in the Guadalupe River after crossing the finish line. Athletes received a belt buckle finisher’s medal, customized shirt, and commemorative hat. They also received a reusable custom water bottle, personalized race bib, and swim cap. They enjoyed a free post-race meal including fajitas from H-E-B, fruit, snacks, and the ever-popular beer garden. The event also had professional timing and photography. A great volunteer crew, thousands of supportive spectators, and an electric finish line festival will showcase why the Kerrville Triathlon is one of the best triathlons in Texas. Photos can be found on the Kerrville Triathlon Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds in addition to the website.

The Kerrville Triathlon would like to thank sponsors H-E-B, City Limit Cycles, the City of Kerrville, Kerrville Fire Department, Kerrville Police Department, Kerr County Sheriff’s Department, Kerrville Convention and Visitors Bureau, Peterson Health, Jack and Adam’s Fredericksburg, SPIbelt, Peak Fitness, MO-RANCH, Hill Country Bicycle Works, Grape Juice, Mamacita’s, Camp Gladiator, and Gatorade.

The largest field in event history consists of triathletes from 17 different states

High Five Events concludes their 2019 triathlon season with the largest field in Kerrville Triathlon Festival history. More than 1800 athletes have registered for this beloved Hill Country event. The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas features a swim course in Nimitz Lake, bike course through the Texas Hill Country, and a run course along the Guadalupe River. The ninth annual Kerrville Triathlon Festival will take place on September 27-29, in Kerrville, Texas. The final price increase occurs tonight, Monday, September 23rd, at 11:59.

Image of custom float all Kerrville Triathlon participants will receive! They're part of the largest field in event history.“I’ve heard great things about Kerrville Triathlon, from it’s scenic course to the big party at the finish line festival,” said Bryan Deibel of Austin, Texas, who is registered for Saturday’s Debra Zapata Sprint. “I’m even more pumped to float the Guadalupe River after my sprint in my Kerrville Tri-branded float!”

Perks for Kerrville Triathlon participants

New for 2019, all participants will receive a Kerrville Triathlon-branded float so they can recover in the Guadalupe River near the finish line festival. Athletes will receive a belt buckle finisher’s medal, customized shirt, and commemorative trucker hat. They’ll also get a reusable custom water bottle, personalized race bib, and swim cap. Once they cross the finish line, triathletes can enjoy a free post-race meal including fajitas from H-E-B, fruit, snacks, beer garden, and an opportunity to float in the Guadalupe River. Professional timing and photography, a great volunteer crew, hundreds of supportive spectators, and an electric finish line festival will showcase why the Kerrville Triathlon is one of the best triathlons in Texas. 

“We’re excited about Kerrville Tri’s largest field ever and ready to welcome triathletes from all over to the Texas Hill Country,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “When you combine the three-day-long festival with the beauty of the Texas Hill Country you can see why Kerrville Tri is a true destination triathlon.”

Registration is still open

Current pricing for all events follows: Debra Zapata Sprint ($105), sprint aquabike ($105), sprint relay ($165), quarter ($155), quarter aquabike ($155), half ($245), half aquabike ($245), half relay ($295), kids fun run (free), Virtual Kerrville Triathlon, which can be associated with any distance ($45). 

The Debra Zapata Sprint distance triathlon, sprint aquabike, sprint relay, and kids fun run take place on Saturday, Sept. 28th. Quarter distance, quarter aquabike, half distance, half aquabike, and half relay will all happen on Sunday, Sept. 29th. Participants can pick up their packet at the Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup. The expo is located at the host hotel, Inn of the Hills. The expo and packet pickup, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Friday, Sept. 27th, and Saturday, Sept. 28th. Participants can see the entire pricing structure and register on the website.

Use this guide when preparing your gear bags for Kerrville Tri to make transitions a breeze on race day!

The layout of Kerrville Tri is different from other tri’s due to the two separate transition areas, located two miles apart. It’s important to come prepared with all your gear in the correct place to make your experience easy, and most importantly, fun! Upon receiving your packet, you will be given 3 bags designated for transition on race day, along with your race number stickers and stickers for your gear bags. It’s crucial that you place the designated sticker with your race number on the proper gear bag to make keeping track of your stuff easier. Be ready once you arrive at the race site, and use this step-by-step guide to handle Kerrville Tri transitions with ease.

Step 1

Setting up in T1, making sure his gear is good to go!

When you’re done checking-in and getting body-marked, place any clothes that you wore to the race site that you do not plan on wearing during the tri in your Green – “Morning Clothes Bag.” Then take your bag to drop it off at the assigned box truck located at T1.

Step 2

After you dominate the swim course, you’ll head into T1 to gear up for the bike portion. Once you change into your bike gear, put your swim gear (ex. goggles, swim cap, towel) in the Red – “Bike Gear Bag” and leave it on the rack where your bike was. We transport all gear from T1 to T2 during the race, so it will be waiting for you in T2 after the race.

how to prepare for two transition areas

Gear bag ready to go in T1

Step 3

Prepare your Blue – “Run Gear Bag” with what you plan to wear during the run. This bag should hold all the items you need to transition from the bike to the run portion. Plan ahead because this gear bag needs to be checked into T2 on the day prior to the event! Once you change into your running gear, tie the bag to the rack and head for the run course!


Follow these tips and have your gear bags ready to ensure you have a smooth transition on race day for Kerrville Tri! We’ll see you at the finish line!

A couple of hundred spots remain as The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas nears sellout

Friends pose before the 2018 Kerrville Triathlon. The 2019 edition nears sellout.

Tell your friends to register before Kerrville Tri sells out!

Excitement for the 2019 Kerrville Triathlon Festival continues to build as registration numbers continue their historic climb. The beloved destination triathlon has a limited amount of spots remaining as it nears a sellout. Last year, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to the Texas Hill Country. The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas features a swim course in Nimitz Lake, bike course through the Texas Hill Country, and run course along the Guadalupe River. The 9th annual Kerrville Triathlon Festival will take place on September 27-29, in Kerrville, Texas.

“My wife and I both love Kerrville Tri, we’re racing and volunteering again this year,” said Mark Wignall, who has participated in the Kerrville Tri for the past three years. “The entire course is beautiful and it’s a short drive from Austin and San Antonio, making it the perfect destination event.”

Branded floats for all

New for 2019, all participants will receive a Kerrville Triathlon-branded float so they can recover in the Guadalupe River near the finish line festival. Athletes will receive a belt buckle finisher’s medal, customized shirt, and commemorative trucker hat. They’ll also get a reusable custom water bottle, personalized race bib, and swim cap. Once they cross the finish line, triathletes can enjoy a free post-race meal including fajitas from H-E-B, fruit, and snacks. They will also enjoy the beer garden and have an opportunity to float in the Guadalupe River. Kerrville Tri features professional timing and photography. Participants can draw energy from a great volunteer crew and hundreds of supportive spectators. An electric finish line festival will showcase why the Kerrville Triathlon is one of the best triathlons in Texas. 

“An increasing number of triathletes are hearing what we’ve known for nearly a decade, Kerrville Tri is The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “When you combine the three-day-long festival with the beauty of the Texas Hill Country you can see why Kerrville Tri is a true destination triathlon.”

Limited amount of Kerrville Tri spots remain

Current pricing for all events follows: Debra Zapata Sprint ($105), sprint aquabike ($105), sprint relay ($165), quarter ($155), quarter aquabike ($155), half ($245), half aquabike ($245), half relay ($295), kids fun run (free), Virtual Kerrville Triathlon, which can be associated with any distance ($45). 

The Debra Zapata Sprint distance, sprint aquabike, sprint relay, and kids fun run take place on Saturday, Sept. 28th. Quarter distance, quarter aquabike, half distance, half aquabike, and half relay will all happen on Sunday, Sept. 29th. The Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup will take place at the host hotel, Inn of the Hills. The expo and packet pickup, which is free and open to the public, will take place on Friday, Sept. 27th, and Saturday, Sept. 28th. Participants can see the entire pricing structure and register on the website.

Our 2019 Kerrville Ambassadors are experts on all things Kerrville Tri! 

Who better than to ask for race advice than an experienced Kerrville triathlete? Feel free to get to know the 2019 Kerrville Tri Ambassadors to ask any and all questions you may have about the 2019 Smokin’ Good Tri! Plus, if you’re new to triathlon, seeing a familiar face on race morning will help ease some of your nerves!

Michelle Bonathan

2019 KTF Ambassador

Michelle Bonathan – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

In addition to being a triathlete I am a dog mom of two, and wife to an ultra runner. I love being a Kerrville Tri Ambassador because it gives me a platform to talk to athletes of all ages, distances, and speeds. I was not an athlete growing up and thought the idea of triathlons was ridiculous, but when I finished my first race (on a dare!) the sport immediately found a special place in my heart. The Kerrville Tri Festival is amazing because you get to see athletes out for the long haul doing the half, speedsters flying by, and the smile of a triathlete at their first finish line all at the same race. Connect with her on Facebook or Instagram

Annette Kobus

2019 KTF Ambassador

Annette Kobus – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

I’ve always loved the venue and it’s always on my birthday weekend! I’ve raced the Sprint and Quarter distances and when I wasn’t racing, I volunteer every year for this race. The past couple of years I have not raced because of bone-on-bone arthritis, but this year I’m sporting total knee replacements. I’m planning to again race the Sprint (yay Annette!) and of course, I’ll volunteer on Sunday for the Half. When my knees are more stable, I really want my first Half to be at Kerrville! Connect with her on Facebook


Susan Oyler

2019 KTF Ambassador

Susan Oyler – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

I’m a military wife, mother, engineer and age-group triathlete. I am a natural team builder and love being part of the Kerrville Triathlon team and getting to connect with other triathletes. 2018 was the first time I participated in the Kerrville Triathlon Festival and I was HOOKED!  It is a top-notch event! This race has everything a triathlete wants in a race: a gorgeous venue and a challenging course! Connect with her on Instagram



Barbara Bussey

2019 KTF Ambassador

Barbara Bussey – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

I began my running/tri career just trying to get an “A” in my PE class in nursing school.  Luckily for me, the exercise stuck (and yes, I got the “A”). That was back in 2000, since then I have run 12-15 half marathons, more 10Ks than I can count completed an unknown number of sprint/super-sprint tris and this September, I will complete my 2nd 70.3 in Kerrville.

Running and triathlon feels like freedom to me.  Freedom from worries, freedom to truly enjoy the outdoors, freedom to challenge myself to be better.  Exercise has also brought me closer to my daughter, she seems to have caught the same bug I did all those years ago, and now we challenge each other to reach greater achievements than we thought possible.  On the days when I really just do not feel it, I remember a saying I heard once: the longest distance in running, is the six inches in between your ears! I know that anyone can master those six inches, one stride or tri at a time!

Cat Adkins

2019 KTF Ambassador

Cat Adkins – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

5 years ago, I decided to give triathlon a try. I’d only participated in about 5 triathlons before Kerrville but it quickly became my favorite. I fell in love with the triathlon community that weekend. It was wonderful knowing that everyone you passed was there for the same reason. It’s hard to not make friends quickly when you spend a weekend with people you have so much in common with. 5 years later, all the people I met are close friends and the circle just keeps growing. I have since bullied dozens of athletes to do their 1st tri with me. It’s hard for people to tell me they’re intimidated to do something that I’m capable of. I eat too much, drink too much, and party too hard, so people usually think, “If this mess can do it, certainly I can too!” What can I say? I’m inspiring. Connect with her on Facebook or Instagram

Kristen Farwell

2019 KTF Ambassador

Kristen Farwell – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

I am relatively new to triathlon, just finishing my third season. Until this past year, I had only done Sprints and Kerrville 2018 was my first Olympic. It’s my second year racing the event and I can’t express how much I love this event. From beginning to end, the event is well organized, well supported and on the day of, executed flawlessly. It’s my favorite course and already have my hotel reservation for 2019. I would love to help share the love, especially for those who might be new and intimidated by an unfamiliar or out-of-town race. I pride myself on being outgoing and helpful. Connect with her on Instagram

Mary McDonald

2019 KTF Ambassador

Mary McDonald – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

I’ve raced triathlons both big and small all over the USA for many years and love that the Kerrville Tri is right here in Texas! I love being an ambassador for the Kerrville Tri because it is a race with personality! Race distances for everyone and a fun old school atmosphere. And the fun doesn’t stop after you cross the finish line! Cool off by floating down the river and enjoying the after-party! Connect with her on Twitter or Instagram 



Mark Schnur

2019 KTF Ambassador

Mark Schnur – Kerrville Tri Ambassador

I love the Kerrville Tri because it is part of a fun weekend in Kerrville, held on a scenic course, close to where I live in San Antonio, and is so well supported by the community! I am a great ambassador because I have over 30 years of experience in racing triathlons (since 1987), and I have coached and trained with many successful triathletes and because I love the Kerrville Tri. Connect with him on Instagram




Reach out to your 2019 Smokin’ Good Tri Ambassadors for any questions you have before race day! Also, get some insider info to help you decide which distance is perfect for you to complete Kerrville Tri with us on September 28th and 29th! 

Agreement will provide participants with custom floats to recover in the Guadalupe River

Kerrville Triathlon Festival and Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau will provide all participants with custom-designed floats so they can relax and recover in the Guadalupe River. This is in addition to working together to produce the Kerrville Triathlon and accommodate the influx of triathletes and their friends and family. The 9th annual Kerrville Triathlon will take place on September 27-29, in Kerrville, Texas. 

“The Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau is excited to partner and sponsor the Kerrville Triathlon floats for participants this year,” said Charlie McIlvain, President & CEO Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau. “There’s no better way to enjoy your time in Kerrville than relaxing in the Guadalupe River, especially after a long day of competing!”

For years, Kerrville Tri participants have jumped into the Guadalupe River’s spring-fed waters after crossing the finish line. For the past several years, the event has provided communal floats which proved to be very popular. Now everyone will be able to float and relax in the Guadalupe River on their own personal floats. Participants will receive their commemorative float with their packet at the Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup. The run course and finish are in Lousie Hays Park, next to the Guadalupe River. The swim takes place in Nimitz Lake, a dammed portion of the Guadalupe River.

Recover in the river in your #SmokinGoodTri float

“Participants love that the Kerrville Tri course incorporates so much of the Guadalupe River, even after they cross the finish line,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “We can’t wait for participants to use their commemorative floats once they finish their event.”

Athletes will receive a belt buckle finisher’s medal, customized shirt, commemorative hat, and a custom float. They’ll get a reusable custom water bottle, personalized race bib, and swim cap. Once they cross the finish line, triathletes can enjoy a post-race meal including fajitas and tacos from H-E-B, fruit, snacks, beer garden, and an opportunity to float in the Guadalupe River. Professional timing and photography, a great volunteer crew, hundreds of supportive spectators, and an electric finish line festival will showcase why the Kerrville Triathlon is one of the best triathlons in Texas. 

The Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup will take place on September 27-28. The expo is at Inn of the Hills, the host hotel. The expo and packet pickup will be open on Friday, September 27th from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. The Saturday, September 28th, hours are 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. The expo is free and open to the public. The Debra Zapata Sprint distance, sprint relay, sprint aquabike, and kids fun run take place on Saturday, Sept. 28th. Quarter distance, quarter aquabike, half distance, half aquabike, and half relay will all happen on Sunday, Sept. 29th. Registration is available on the website.

Get the most out of your running shoes by knowing how to select the best ones and the replacement timeline for them

When it comes to running, the shoe you choose will greatly impact your body and running technique. Learn what type of shoe will benefit you most in the long run by using this article for how to pick out your running shoes, what type best suits you, and when it’s time for a new pair!

written by Dr. Kimberly Davis, RunLab™


Probably more often than you think.  Even if you have managed to achieve sound biomechanics (rare), are extremely lightweight, and a low mileage runner, it is still important to remember that your shoes have a shelf life. Those sweet (rad?) neon and splatter-paint Nike knock-offs you bought for $39.99 from TinyHandsTinyPrices.com may look really cool, but they probably aren’t doing you any favors from an injury prevention standpoint.  Most people wait until they start to notice nagging pains before they think to replace their shoes, instead of doing it before the issues pop up.

[bctt tweet=”EVA foam begins to harden after 1-1.5 years, meaning that when you buy older model shoes on clearance or online it is possible for them to be “worn out” before you ever run in them.” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Most runners should replace their shoes every 300-500 miles depending on the weight of the runner and the efficiency of their mechanics. This means every 5-6 months for the average runner and every 2-3 months for the higher mileage runner. This is assuming you ONLY RUN in your running shoes, not wear them to work or to the gym. 


I am a huge fan of this concept. Not only does it allow your shoes time between runs for the foam to “bounce back”, but different types of shoes give you different feedback from the ground, and in my opinion, this is always a good thing from a neuromuscular standpoint. Your body adapts very quickly to a learned stimulus. By giving it different signals, you are forcing it to constantly respond to outside stimuli instead of just “going through the motions” with learned patterns. I personally rotate through several shoes depending on the type of run and how fatigued my body is, and I find it works very well for keeping my body engaged with what is going on between my foot and the ground. If you would like some guidance stop by and chat. Everyone that works at RunLab™ is a dedicated runner and we love talking shop.

which running shoes are best for you?


If you answered: “Well obviously, I choose the shoes that will match my tutu for the Goofy Challenge”, then you, my friend, could probably get a job in a number of running retail stores…but I digress.

   Choosing the right shoe is much more complicated than most people think IF you have suboptimal structure, range-of-motion, and/or biomechanics, which most non-elite runners (and even many elite runners) are challenged with.  “How do I choose the right shoe” is the eternal question that every runner (and shoe company, and retail employee) wishes had an easy answer, but at the end of the day…it doesn’t. At RunLab™, we feel very strongly that it isn’t so much about the shoe as it is about the foot that inhabits the shoe (and the knee and the hip and the body that live above the foot and for some reason get left out of most types of “gait analysis” done in shoe stores).  Most elite runners with sound biomechanics can run in almost anything they want to run in within a certain range, typically avoiding extreme stability in most cases. They aren’t great runners BECAUSE of the shoe. They are great runners because of the work they have put in on the strength side, and often because of the genetic gift they have been given on the structural side. Back to the question. First and foremost, if a shoe doesn’t feel good in the store, it won’t feel any better when you run. 


Base your choice on what works with your structure, goals, foot shape, etc. If you fall outside the “norm” structurally, meaning you have bunions, very high or very flat arches, knock knees, are bowlegged, have retroverted or anteverted hips, super tight hamstrings or calves, etc., or if you have a history of injuries, or trouble finding shoes that work for you, get a movement analysis & gait evaluation. And I don’t mean the kind where somebody watches you run for 10 seconds down the street, looks at your foot/ankle, and then starts talking about how much or little you pronate or supinate.  That isn’t a gait evaluation folks! A good gait evaluation should look at your entire body from multiple angles, ideally, both in shoes and barefoot, and should factor in what is happening with your unique structure, range-of-motion, goals, strengths, and limiters. This is not something most people have expertise in doing well.

   Think of it in bike-fit terms, you can get your saddle height adjusted, OR you can go through a lengthy process that looks at all the necessary angles and takes your individual needs, foot position, femur length, tibia length, reach, etc. into account. Both of these things might be referred to as a “bike-fit” but one of them clearly takes your unique structural and functional makeup into account and requires expertise in biomechanics to really fit you properly.  Movement analysis and gait evaluation is the same way. Remember: understanding what could go wrong down the road through thoroughly understanding your mechanics is a heck of a lot cheaper than the rehab to fix the issue when you break. Just sayin’…


  • Replace your shoes early and often, more often the higher you go in mileage and before you start to notice pain.
  • Stop picking shoes based on color!  Seriously. Did I really need to say that?  Yes. Yes, I did. Stop doing it.
  • Choose your shoe stores wisely, we can guide you if you need help.
  • When someone calls you a “pronator” or a “supinator” and then attempts to “fix” the issue with a shoe, this person doesn’t under biomechanics.  Be wary.
  • A Movement Analysis and Gait Evaluation looks at the whole body and doesn’t just take 30 seconds.  If you have structural or injury issues, it’s worth getting it done by experts (I might know some people!)
  • The shoes don’t fit if your heels slide, or if your toes are pinched.
  • If part of your foot is hanging over the sole of the shoe, it doesn’t fit.
  • If you hate the color…it still might fit!  See how you tried to forget what we talked about already?!


Dr. Kimberly Davis

Dr. Kimberly Davis is the Founder & CEO of RunLab™, a Movement Analysis and Gait Evaluation company headquartered in Austin, Texas that provides runners anywhere in the country access to comprehensive gait evaluation services through www.runlab.us.

   Recognizing a lack of consistency and quality in gait analysis across the country, Dr. Davis launches RunLab.us in 2018 as a means for runners to access her industry-leading gait team from anywhere in the United States.

For more information about the RunLab™ team, please visit WWW.RUNLABAUSTIN.COM

For gait evaluation services outside the Austin area, please visit WWW.RUNLAB.US

The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas opens vendor registration for two-day expo

Group photo before 2018 Kerrville Triathlon, which just opened vendor registration for 2019.

In 2018, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to Kerrville, Texas.

Vendor registration is open for the 2019 Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup. For two days, businesses and brands have the opportunity to interact with an engaged triathlon community at The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas. Registration for 2019 is trending well-ahead of 2018, indicating that Kerrville Triathlon continues to be a destination weekend for triathletes. In 2018, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to the Texas Hill Country. The 9th annual Kerrville Triathlon will take place September 27-29, in Kerrville, Texas. 

“Every year, the Kerrville Triathlon brings more than 2,000 people into our community and we’re proud to be host to such an amazing event,” said Charlie McIlvain, President & CEO Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau. “That’s more than 2,000 people who are coming to not only compete, but to experience, taste, and shop all that Kerrville has to offer and then go home and share that with friends and family!”

In 2018, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to the Texas Hill Country

Triathletes and their friends and family are invited to visit the two-day expo. They can pick up their packets, check out the latest triathlon gear, and take advantage of race-weekend deals. Vendors can showcase and sell products, offer complementary services, and host giveaways. In 2018, participants traveled to the Texas Hill Country from 17 different states. Vendors can submit their application on the website.

“Kerrville Tri registration continues to grow year-after-year and the expo is a major reason for that increase,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “The growth has resulted in the two-day expo selling out earlier and earlier each year.”

Athletes will receive a belt buckle finisher’s medal, customized shirt, commemorative trucker hat, and an individual float. They’ll get a reusable custom water bottle, personalized race bib, and swim cap. Once they cross the finish line, triathletes can enjoy a post-race meal including fajitas and tacos from H-E-B, fruit, snacks, beer garden, and an opportunity to float in the Guadalupe River. Professional timing and photography, a great volunteer crew, hundreds of supportive spectators, and an electric finish line festival will showcase why the Kerrville Triathlon is one of the best triathlons in Texas. 

The Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup will take place on September 27-28 at Inn of the Hills, the host hotel. The expo and packet pickup will be open on Friday, September 27th from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. The Saturday, September 28th, hours are 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. The expo is free and open to the public. The Debra Zapata Sprint distance, sprint relay, sprint aquabike, and kids fun run take place on Saturday, Sept. 28th. Quarter distance, quarter aquabike, half distance, half aquabike, and half relay will all happen on Sunday, Sept. 29th. Registration is available on the website.