Tag Archive for: sprint triathlon

As you gear up with your training for the Kerrville Tri, we wanted to share some fun but challenging swim workouts to try on your next training day.

Still working up to 600 meters? Cut the work out in half for a fun but challenging 300m swim workout.

Looking for a long workout? Mix and combine or do them all at once!

Swim Workout #1

2 x 50 meter slow warm up

2 x 50 meter with fins. No rest

2 x 50 pull buoy. 45 second rest

8 x 25 increasing pace every 25. No rest

2 x 50 cool down

Swim Workout #2

1 x 50 meter slow warm up

1 x 50 kick board

3 x 50 pull buoy. 30 second rest

1 x 50 kick board

3 x 50 pull buoy. 30 second rest

2 x 50 free style

1 x 50 backstroke cool down

Swim Workout #3

2 x 50 slow warm up

2 x 50 breath right side only

2 x 50 breath left side only

4 x 50 increasing pace every 25. 15 second rest

2 x 50 cool down

Swim Workout #4

1 x 50 easy. 15 second rest

1 x 50 hard. 15 second rest

1 x 50 easy. 15 second rest

1 x 50 hard. 15 second rest

4 x 50 race pace with no rest

1 x 50 as fast as you can

3 x 50  slow down with 1 min 30 sec rest

Swim Workout #5

2 x 50 slow lap with 1 minute rest

3 x 50 with kickboard and fins

1 x 50 freestyle easy

1 x 50 freestyle hard

3 x 50 with kickboard and fins

2 x 50 slow lap with 1 minute rest

Swim Workout #6

2 x 50 slow lap with 1 minute rest

4 x 50 freestyle with 30 second rest

4x 50 pull buoy with 45 second rest

2 x 50 slow swim laps

Nutrition Guide for Every Tri Distance

Besides the difference of length, short and long-distance triathlons are also different in the impact they have on athletes’ nutritional needs. Learning how to fuel appropriately can make a massive difference in the experience you will have during your training journey and on race day. Keep reading our nutrition guide with tips for every triathlon distance you can use while you train and compete for your next triathlon. With nutrition, it is super important to not try anything new on race day since you don’t know how your body will react to it.

Sprint and Quarter

These are shorter distances where, in many cases, athletes can race without having to consume additional fueling, besides water.

Carbohydrates are Your Friend

ROCTANE Energy Gels.GU Energy

GU is our go-to when it comes to energy gels

However, if you are consuming calories during these events where you are performing at a higher intensity, it is helpful if those calories come from carbohydrates, as they will be easier for your body to utilize. Recommendations range between 30 to 45 grams of simple carbohydrates per each hour you are racing. Here is where gels, chews, and sports drinks come in handy. For example, energy gels usually have about 23g of carbohydrates, while chews contain around 25g per 6 pieces. With sports drinks, it is essential to choose drinks that are not low in sugar, to get over 20g of carbohydrates per 12 oz. These recommendations also apply during high-intensity training sessions.

Pre-Race Nutrition

Another factor to take into consideration is what you eat before the race. With this, there is no single formula or a recommendation that fits everyone. It’s best to find what works for you. A general rule to follow is to eat things that are easy to digest, such as plain waffles or toast. We recommend avoiding more complex foods like oatmeal, as they might be harder for your body to process. However, what matters is that you are eating something that makes you feel good.

Half Distance

The half distance is an event where you will undoubtedly be consuming additional fuel. Longer distances focus more on endurance rather than speed, so your nutritional needs are going to be different.

Nutrition During the Race

Some people have no problem consuming only gels or chews during longer events. But it’s common for athletes racing for longer periods to eat more complex foods. While you should still aim for 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour, it’s beneficial to get those from other sources besides just simple sugars. Things like granola bars can be very helpful for providing sustained energy without the sugar rush. They allow a steady utilization of fuel since they contain a mix of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This can also help reduce stomach discomfort.

It is crucial to pay attention to your electrolyte intake. Especially when racing in the heat, because high amounts of electrolytes are lost with of sweat. Consuming electrolyte drinks, such as Nuun, is the easiest way to prevent dehydration.

Training Nutrition Plan

Your Nutrition Guide for Every Triathlon Distance

The main nutritional difference between short and long-distance triathlon training is the number of calories needed per day. Regardless of what you’re training for, it is essential for you to focus on recovery. Especially if you are used to having multiple workouts within a 24-hour time frame. Make sure to have meals of snacks that contain carbohydrates and protein after your workouts. This will ensure that your body can replenish the nutrients lost during training. Examples for recovery meals can be as simple as chocolate milk, a PB&J or a turkey sandwich or some cheese and crackers. Fruit with your favorite nut butter is also a good alternative. This will help you recover better for your next training session, and help you avoid burnout or injuries in the long-term.

With the help of this triathlon nutrition guide, you’ll be ready to rock whatever distance you choose to complete on the Kerrville Tri course.

The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas opens vendor registration for two-day expo

Group photo before 2018 Kerrville Triathlon, which just opened vendor registration for 2019.

In 2018, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to Kerrville, Texas.

Vendor registration is open for the 2019 Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup. For two days, businesses and brands have the opportunity to interact with an engaged triathlon community at The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas. Registration for 2019 is trending well-ahead of 2018, indicating that Kerrville Triathlon continues to be a destination weekend for triathletes. In 2018, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to the Texas Hill Country. The 9th annual Kerrville Triathlon will take place September 27-29, in Kerrville, Texas. 

“Every year, the Kerrville Triathlon brings more than 2,000 people into our community and we’re proud to be host to such an amazing event,” said Charlie McIlvain, President & CEO Kerrville Convention & Visitors Bureau. “That’s more than 2,000 people who are coming to not only compete, but to experience, taste, and shop all that Kerrville has to offer and then go home and share that with friends and family!”

In 2018, more than 2000 triathletes and their friends and family traveled to the Texas Hill Country

Triathletes and their friends and family are invited to visit the two-day expo. They can pick up their packets, check out the latest triathlon gear, and take advantage of race-weekend deals. Vendors can showcase and sell products, offer complementary services, and host giveaways. In 2018, participants traveled to the Texas Hill Country from 17 different states. Vendors can submit their application on the website.

“Kerrville Tri registration continues to grow year-after-year and the expo is a major reason for that increase,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “The growth has resulted in the two-day expo selling out earlier and earlier each year.”

Athletes will receive a belt buckle finisher’s medal, customized shirt, commemorative trucker hat, and an individual float. They’ll get a reusable custom water bottle, personalized race bib, and swim cap. Once they cross the finish line, triathletes can enjoy a post-race meal including fajitas and tacos from H-E-B, fruit, snacks, beer garden, and an opportunity to float in the Guadalupe River. Professional timing and photography, a great volunteer crew, hundreds of supportive spectators, and an electric finish line festival will showcase why the Kerrville Triathlon is one of the best triathlons in Texas. 

The Kerrville Triathlon Expo and Packet Pickup will take place on September 27-28 at Inn of the Hills, the host hotel. The expo and packet pickup will be open on Friday, September 27th from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. The Saturday, September 28th, hours are 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. The expo is free and open to the public. The Debra Zapata Sprint distance, sprint relay, sprint aquabike, and kids fun run take place on Saturday, Sept. 28th. Quarter distance, quarter aquabike, half distance, half aquabike, and half relay will all happen on Sunday, Sept. 29th. Registration is available on the website.

Read these 5 reasons why you’ll love The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas

Kerrville Triathlon Festival is entering its 9th year in the scenic Texas Hill Country town of Kerrville. From its beautiful course to the different distances offered, Kerrville Tri offers something for triathletes of all ability levels. This beloved triathlon is quickly turning into an annual destination weekend for triathletes and their families. There’s a 2-day expo, spectator-friendly course, and a free Kids Fun Run on Saturday. If you don’t already love #SmokinGoodTri you will after reading the 5 reasons below!One of the 5 reasons to register for Kerrville Triathlon: it's a destination weekend!

Destination weekend

Plan with your triathlon friends, bring the entire family, or both! Kerrville Tri is the perfect destination weekend. There are events for everyone, a 2-day expo showcasing the latest gear, and plenty to do in Kerrville. Eat delicious food at Grape Juice or explore nature at Kerrville-Schreiner Park. See what else there is to do when you begin planning your destination weekend!

Different distances

Kerrville Triathlon offers distances for triathletes of all ability levels. The Debra Zapata Sprint takes place on Saturday, is perfect for new triathletes, and features aquabike and relay options. The quarter and half events will take place on Sunday. The quarter offers an aquabike option, while the half has aquabike and relay options.

The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas

If you haven’t experienced the Texas Hill Country yet, then punch your ticket at the Kerrville Tri! The Most Scenic Triathlon in Texas features a swim in Nimitz Lake, a bike ride through the Hill Country, and a run along the Guadalupe River. Participants and spectators alike love the views offered on this course. Soak it in and enjoy every second!One of 5 reasons you'll love Kerrville Triathlon: cross the finish line and float the Guadalupe River!

Float the Guadalupe

After you cross the finish line, relax with a cold beer (for 21+) and enjoy post-race fajitas grilled by Jack and Adam’s Fredericksburg. But the party doesn’t stop there! Bring your own tube or grab one of ours and recover in the Guadalupe River! The cool waters will help your muscles after you cross the finish line.

#SmokinGoodTri swag

The #SmokinGoodTri swag is second-to-none! The belt buckle finisher medals are both fashionable and functional. Wear it around your neck or add it to your wardrobe. The ribbon velcros so you don’t have to cut the ribbon to wear your medal with your belt. Add the custom, soft shirts and you’ve got a winning combo! You’ll look good in these shirts and tell the world you crossed the Kerrville Tri finish line. Don’t forget about the BOCO hat, perfect for race day and training runs.

We know there are many reasons to love Kerrville Tri, but these 5 reasons are our favorites! Make sure you’re registered today. Start planning with friends or family and join us in the Texas Hill Country on September 28-29. If your reason didn’t make the list, let us know on Facebook and Twitter.

Don’t let rust begin forming on your bike

We all know that nothing creates more of an eyesore on a bicycle than rust. The most common parts that rust are the bolts in the cockpit of the bicycle and the chain. The reason it shows up so readily on chains is that they are entirely steel (for the most part). Their low position on the bicycle exposes them to a lot of water and contaminants from the surface of the road. Cockpit bolts (securing the parts of your bike you touch while riding) can rust because of your sweat and hydration and their position under the body of the rider. While a rusted chain poses virtually no safety concern, it does make for poor shifting performance. It can also have a negative effect on the condition of your cassette. Rusty chains should be replaced at the earliest convenience. Bolts on the bar, stem, and top cap, on the other hand, can actually cause a safety risk. If any of these rusty bolts were to sheer due to weakening, it could result in a crash. Furthermore, rusty bolts up front can make for very difficult maintenance if they get stuck. This can cause you to need new components prematurely.

Measure to prevent rust

The best way to prevent rust is simply to give your bicycle a quick wash and wipe down after every ride. That can be a long training ride through the Texas Hill Country and/or your sprint/quarter/half at Kerrville Triathlon. Make sure to get any sweat, Gatorade, and Gu off your bike. Also, storing your bicycle in a dry place, preferably indoors, can go a long way toward keeping your bike rust-free. Finally, don’t forget to schedule an appointment with your favorite bike mechanic, James Balentine of City Limit Cycles, for regular service. He will inspect for rust and other problems, saving you headaches down the road!

Triathletes can participate in virtual Kerrville Triathlon from anywhere in the world

Registration for the 2018 Kerrville Triathlon Festival virtual triathlon opens on Monday, July 9th. The 8th annual Kerrville Triathlon Festival will take place September 28-30, 2018, in Kerrville, Texas. Last year, more than 1400 triathletes competed in eight different events that featured a swim course in Nimitz Lake, bike course through the Texas Hill Country, and run course along the Guadalupe River.

“2017 was a record year for the Kerrville Triathlon and we’re ecstatic about producing this amazing event in its eighth year,” said Stacy Keese, co-owner of High Five Events. “Word is quickly spreading that this is one of the top triathlons in the state and we’re excited to provide the virtual optio.”

[bctt tweet=”Triathletes who cannot make it to the Texas Hill Country for #SmokinGoodTri can participate virtually!” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Virtual options

Triathletes who cannot make it to the Texas Hill Country can participate virtually. Participants who select this option can choose from five distances, including:

  • Debra Zapata Sprint Distance: 500m swim, 14.5-mile bike, 5K run
  • Quarter Distance: 1000m swim, 29-mile bike, 6.4-mile run
  • Quarter Distance Aquabike: 1000m swim, 29-mile bike
  • Half Distance: 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike, 13.1-mile run
  • Half Distance Aquabike: 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike

With the five virtual triathlon options, participants can complete each segment of their chosen event on their own schedule at a location of their choosing. The timeline for completing each virtual option begins on September 29, 2018, and lasts until October 22, 2018. Virtual participants have three weeks to swim, bike, and run their distances. Results must be submitted to the Kerrville Tri website by midnight on October 22nd.

Virtual triathlon registration starts at $40. Participants will receive a bib number, helmet and bike numbers, custom Kerrville Triathlon reusable water bottle, nuun hydration, and the famous Kerrville Triathlon belt buckle finisher medal to show off their accomplishment! Triathletes participating virtually will have the option to purchase a custom-designed race shirt at time of registration. Participants will receive their gear prior to September 29th.

Registration and rules can be found on the race website.