Tag Archive for: tune up

Use this milestone mileage checklist to keep your bike riding like new

Did you just buy a new bike? Perhaps you just had a complete bike tune-up before you began training for Kerrville Triathlon. Maybe you had some parts replaced during the offseason. Whatever state your bike is in, you want your trustworthy ride to last as long as possible! Adhere to this milestone mileage checklist and follow the mileage timeline. Pro tip: click the checklist below, download the PDF, and keep it handy at all times!

[bctt tweet=”No matter the distance, you should check the tire pressure in your #bike’s tires before every ride!” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Don’t let your bike fall into disrepair

100 miles

  • lube chain
  • check tire pressure (Pro tip: do this before each ride)

500 miles

  • wash and clean like a pro
  • lube cables
  • check wheels for true and roundness

1,000 miles

1,500 miles

  • check cassettes and chainrings for wear
  • check bearings for smoothness
  • change cables and housings

3,000 miles

  • change cassette
  • overhaul bearings

Take care of your bike and it’ll take care of you

Triathlon season is rapidly approaching for most triathletes! If you’ve been riding all winter or are brushing the cobwebs off, take the time to learn about/be reminded of a replacement timeline for the parts on your beloved road/tri bike. Whether Kerrville Tri is the only race on your calendar or you’ll close out your tri season on the most scenic triathlon course in Texas, the below replacement recommendations will help ensure your trusted ride is ready to roll when you exit T1. Keep in mind, every triathlete’s replacement timeline is different. If you ride more frequently replace your parts sooner.

Bike care replacement timeline

Bike care is as vital as training.

Tune up: once a year or as needed
Cables replaced: replace every six months or as needed
Tires: 2500 miles
Tubes: until they flat
Chain: 10-speed: every 2000 miles; 9-speed or less: every 2500 miles
Cassette: replace every 15,000 miles (if the chain is replaced regularly)
Bottom bracket: replace when loose or rough
Brake pads: replace when worn halfway through
Bearings: replace when rough
Carbon bars and seat post: replace every 1.5-2 years.

[bctt tweet=”Take care of your bike and it’ll take care of you” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Find yourself in need of some maintenance? Contact City Limit Cycles in Austin or Jack and Adam’s Fredericksburg.

Best of luck this triathlon season.