What bike helmet do you wear when you ride?

In the United States, government standards ensure that every bike helmet sold will help protect you in a crash. For most riders safety alone is not enough: a good bike helmet must be comfortable, have good ventilation, and be the “least dorky looking.”

[bctt tweet=”So which brand is best? The truth is that there is no best option. Each helmet company has a slightly different profile and will fit each person a little differently. The key to the decision-making process is to find what works best for you.” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Remember, looks are important, but protection, comfort, and functionality should come first. White reflects heat, which every little bit can be helpful if you find yourself riding outside in Texas during the summer months. We suspect that this why the color is so popular among ours staff. That and it is classic and can be worn with any kit.

Check out what bike helmet High Five Events’ employees wear and how long they’ve been riding. 

bike helmet

William’s (the Rookie) bike helmet.


Riding Experience – 10 Years

Favorite Helmet – Giro Savant MIPS


Riding Experience – on and off for 4 years

Favorite Helmet – white Giro Revel MIPS

Helmet Color of Choice – White


Riding Experience – Since 2006

Favorite Helmet – Giro Foray

Helmet Color of Choice – White


Riding Experience – riding for 24 years (not counting kid bikes)

Favorite Helmet – Giro Air Attack

Helmet Color of Choice – Black


Riding Experience – 2 Months

Favorite Helmet – Giro Isode

Helmet Color of Choice – White


Riding Experience – Since High School no exact years listed 😛

Favorite Helmet: Giro Atmos II

Helmet Color of Choice – White


Riding Experience – Since he can remember, this might be longer than Dan but no one will confirm.

Favorite Helmet -Giro Savant MIPS

Helmet Color of Choice – Bright red/black


Riding Experience – Since 2001

Favorite Helmet- Giro Atmos II

Helmet Color of Choice – White


Run softly you could take time off your run

As triathletes, it seems that the inherent beating our legs take while on training runs often leads to some of the most nagging and potentially severe injuries. That dreaded pain on the inside of a shin. The chronically inflamed IT band. A perpetually tight hamstring. The list goes on. Too many times we chalk this up as “part of the process.” What many athletes do not realize is that by applying a few subtle technique changes to running form, common injuries can be eradicated and running speed can be gained. By being quiet while you run you can achieve increased economy of movement; in other words, run softly.

run softly

Runner at the 2017 Kerrville Triathlon Festival (credit: Ed Sparks)

While on your next training run for the Kerrville Tri, leave the iPod at home and prepare to listen while you run softly. Listen to your gait. Is there a heavy sigh from the ground on every foot strike? Do you notice a shuffling sound similar to autumn foliage moving along at the pace of a breeze? If you are picking up on sounds that are more audible than not, you may need to work on your foot strike and run more softly.

[bctt tweet=”When you run softly it allows your foot to strike the ground and transition from the initial contact This is often considered heel strike or a mid-foot strike, with less breaking force (ground reaction force).” username=”kerrvilletri”]

This means that less impact is transferred from this brief, but violent stop throughout your body. Think of a plane landing gently at an optimal angle. Now think of a plane landing that comes down a little hard and jolts the entire cabin. This is not entirely dissimilar to the jolt your body takes each time your foot lands. When coaches tell athletes to run with light feet, this is precisely what they are referring to.

On runs, occasionally think about foot strike and quick transition. As your heel comes in contact with the ground try to roll your foot forward to the mid-foot, then to the ball of your foot, and then to a strong, propulsive toe-off. Work on doing this seamlessly and without interruption. Another important key to this skill is never allowing heel strike to be forward of your knee. Your heel strike should occur directly under your knee and your knee should be directly beneath your center of gravity. Look down while in heel strike to mid-stance of your stride. At that point, you should see no more than the tips of your toes extending from beneath your knee. If you see more than just the tips, then you’re creating a greater ground reaction force and more resistance – increasing your risk for injury.

[bctt tweet=”Like anything, running softly takes time to develop. Remind yourself to run softly because the impact can be huge.” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Take care of your bike and it’ll take care of you

Triathlon season is rapidly approaching for most triathletes! If you’ve been riding all winter or are brushing the cobwebs off, take the time to learn about/be reminded of a replacement timeline for the parts on your beloved road/tri bike. Whether Kerrville Tri is the only race on your calendar or you’ll close out your tri season on the most scenic triathlon course in Texas, the below replacement recommendations will help ensure your trusted ride is ready to roll when you exit T1. Keep in mind, every triathlete’s replacement timeline is different. If you ride more frequently replace your parts sooner.

Bike care replacement timeline

Bike care is as vital as training.

Tune up: once a year or as needed
Cables replaced: replace every six months or as needed
Tires: 2500 miles
Tubes: until they flat
Chain: 10-speed: every 2000 miles; 9-speed or less: every 2500 miles
Cassette: replace every 15,000 miles (if the chain is replaced regularly)
Bottom bracket: replace when loose or rough
Brake pads: replace when worn halfway through
Bearings: replace when rough
Carbon bars and seat post: replace every 1.5-2 years.

[bctt tweet=”Take care of your bike and it’ll take care of you” username=”kerrvilletri”]

Find yourself in need of some maintenance? Contact City Limit Cycles in Austin or Jack and Adam’s Fredericksburg.

Best of luck this triathlon season.


Wetsuits Care Instructions

[bctt tweet=”Wetsuits are as big of an investment as they are helpful in the water. That is why proper care is important.” username=”kerrvilletri”]

By following these simple wetsuit care steps you will extend the life of your investment.

  1. Wetsuits can be used in all open water conditions. You should not use your wetsuit in a chlorinated swimming pool. Over time the chlorine will damage the seams and degrade the fabric of the suit. No matter the water, you should always rinse your suit in clean cool water after each use.
  2. To preserve the life of the wetsuit always store your wetsuit lying flat or hanging in a dry place on a thick plastic hanger. Wetsuits can be heavy so make sure the hanger is sturdy, you don’t want to find your wetsuit crumpled up at the bottom of a closet.
  3. Make sure your wetsuit is completely dry before you put it away or it will mildew and STINK! You can turn your wetsuit inside out to help it dry faster. Never leave your wetsuit out in the sun to dry.
  4. Periodically wash your wetsuit with wetsuit shampoo. This will keep the integrity of the fabric as well as keep it from becoming mildewy and stinky.
  5. Only use approved lubricates when putting on your wetsuit. Like chlorine, unapproved lubricants can degrade the fabric and will have your wetsuit falling apart at the seams. Petroleum jelly (Vasaline) or any other petroleum-based product will literally eat holes in your suit lining.
  6. If you have to travel with your wetsuit, fold as stated below. Having fold seams and a crumpled suit will lead to more likely tearing when you are putting the suit on. :Fold up legs half way up.
    1. Fold arms over in an X
    2. Fold the remaining legs over the arms and torso.
    3. Unfold when you get where you are traveling.

What is an Aquabike?

Aquabike is a swim/bike event that focuses on the swim and bike legs of the triathlon without the run. This newly burgeoning division is now growing like crazy and has a USA National Championship annually with USA Triathlon.

Kerrville Triathlon has distances and has seen the field grow as new athletes discover this awesome multisport event.

Kerrville Triathlon Festival Offers:

Quarter Distance Aquabike: 1000m swim, 29 mile Bike

Half Distance Aquabike: 1.2 mile Swim,
56 mile Bike.

Kerrville Triathlon Aquabike Bike Triathlon Swim and Bike

Here are 4 Catagories/Reasons to Race in the Aquabike Division:

  1. Injured Athletes 

Athletes with current or chronic run injuries should consider the Quarter distanxe. It can allow you to stay at a high level of fitness and improving on your swim and bike times while your injury heals.

2. Training for your next long distance race

A well timed Quarter or Half Distance Aquabike event can be the perfect training for a longer distance race in the future. The main part of triathlon that fatigues the body and requires recovery is the run. By eliminating this obstacle you can test your race pace in a race environment and make training changes accordingly.

3. If you just hate running

Find yourself always dreading leaving T2? Then stop! Aquabike participants time stops when they enter T2

4. Staying competitive

Some of us are just not fast runners, but we want to be competitive. With Aquabike now being part of the USA National Championships, those with fast swim and bike times can find themselves representing Team USA at the ITU World Championships!