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Prevent Rust from Forming on Your Bike
Don't let rust begin forming on your bike
We all know that nothing creates more of an eyesore on a bicycle than rust. The most common parts that rust are the bolts in the cockpit of the bicycle and the chain. The reason it shows up so readily…

Group Riding Guidelines
BlogImplement these group riding guidelines on your next ride
Group riding provides cyclists with enjoyment, exercise, training, support from other cyclists, and safety. Whether you’re riding to lunch with co-workers or completing a 50-mile Kerrville…

Wetsuit Maintenance Recommendations
Extend the life of your wetsuit with these wetsuit maintenance recommendations
Wetsuits may help you swim like a shark, but they are actually one of the more delicate pieces of triathlon equipment. Even the most careful wetsuit owner may…

Chain Wear: What to Know and How It Can Affect You
BlogKnow the signs of chain wear and how you can check at home
Most people do not replace their chain often enough. This leads to the gears not shifting correctly and excessive wear on your chainrings and cassette. Chain wear is affected by a few…

Offseason Training: The Run
BlogFocus on the run now, reap the benefits later
The offseason is upon us. Before you focus on the run, take a few weeks to mentally and physically repair your engine. Kayaking on Town Lake, spending time with the family (who were neglected during…

Post-Race Bike Maintenance
BlogMake post-race bike maintenance an integral part of your training plan
Most triathletes put a great deal of thought into everything leading up to a big race (equipment, training, nutrition, etc.) However, many do not know what bike maintenance…