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Run Softly (And Listen When You Run)
BlogRun softly you could take time off your run
As triathletes, it seems that the inherent beating our legs take while on training runs often leads to some of the most nagging and potentially severe injuries. That dreaded pain on the inside…

Replacement Timeline for Bikes
BlogTake care of your bike and it'll take care of you
Triathlon season is rapidly approaching for most triathletes! If you've been riding all winter or are brushing the cobwebs off, take the time to learn about/be reminded of a replacement…

Wetsuit Care Instructions
Blog, Tips, Training, UncategorizedWetsuits Care Instructions
By following these simple wetsuit care steps you will extend the life of your investment.
Wetsuits can be used in all open water conditions. You should not use your wetsuit in a chlorinated swimming pool.…

Welcome To 2017 Kerrville Triathlon Festival
Welcome to the 7th Annual Kerrville Triathlon Festival presented by H-E-B!
At High Five Events, we look forward all season to our big finale in Kerrville, the final event of the Texas Tri Series. The series begins in Austin with the Rookie…