Our Latest Posts

Building a Solid Foundation: The Importance of Base Training for Triathletes

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Base training lays the groundwork for success in triathlons by building endurance, strength, and resilience. As triathletes, we understand the importance of establishing a solid foundation to support our performance on race day. In this blog…

7 Essential Running Safety Tips Every Athlete Should Know

Running outdoors offers many benefits, from exploring scenic trails to enjoying the vibrancy of a bustling cityscape. It's an exhilarating way to stay fit, meet fellow runners, and breathe in the fresh air of nature or urban life. Ensuring safety…

Pedal Paradise: Explore Austin’s Top 5 Biking Trails for Kerrville Tri Training

Are you gearing up for the Kerrville Triathlon and seeking the perfect biking trails in Austin to elevate your training? Look no further! Austin, Texas, boasts a plethora of scenic trails that cater to all levels of cyclists. Here are five must-try…

Holiday Delights: Exploring Festive Activities in The Texas Hill Country

Greetings, Kerrville Triathlon enthusiasts! As we approach the festive season, it's time to discover the enchanting holiday lights and activities that make the Kerrville, Johnson City, and Fredericksburg areas come alive with joy and magic.…

Tri Your Best: Setting Fitness and Triathlon Goals for the New Year

Welcome to a new year of triumph and achievement at Kerrville Triathlon! As we step into 2024, it's the perfect time to set ambitious fitness and triathlon goals that will propel you toward greatness. In this blog post, we'll guide you through…

Tips For Your First Sprint Triathlon

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Embarking on your first sprint triathlon is an exhilarating journey. The Kerrville Triathlon's sprint distance, with a 500-meter swim, 14-mile bike ride, and 5K run, offers a fantastic opportunity to experience the thrill of multi-sport racing.…